Tuesday, 12 March 2024

More Ground Roof + Electrical

After a flurry of activity in the first two days of ground floor roof construction, the roof chippies disappeared for a couple of weeks. However, progress continued on a different front - the ground floor electrical. Speaking with the electricians, it seems the main roof chippie got injured at some point (unsure if on our site or not) and Stannard was organising another team to finish it off. 

The electricians have spent many days on site over the last couple of weeks chasing cables through the spaghetti maze of pipework within the upper floor slab to provision wiring to all the ground floor light switches, power points, internet points, TV points and speaker points. They have then been fitting off the cables into the wall channels that were cut previously. A few channels were missed the first time so they were also marked out and a chasing company came in and did a few more cuts for the electricans to finish. 

The electricans also ran the cabling through the new ground floor roof and into the single storey part of the house. There is now a mass of cabling leading into our garage, where both the electrical load centre and internet hub will be located. Pleasingly, another roof team also showed up to finish off the ground floor roof framing works so that the colourbond could be measured up and ordered. We've already had the guttering and downpipes delivered. Imagine we'll see the roof chippies return once the colourbond material arrives ready for roof cover to go on. 

I also expect we'll see the plumbers come in now and chase the plumbing through the single storey portion of the house and complete the waste piping for the upper floor wet areas. They appeared briefly about two weeks ago to concrete in the bath tub in the kids bathroom, of all things! 

I got the drone out on the weekend so here's a quick whip around of where we're at :)

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