Friday 16 September 2022


It's now been 9 weeks since our slab was poured and we've had some properly lousy weather over that time. Great for curing our slab, not so great for the brickie teams building other Stannard Homes houses, which need to get finished before our build can get under way. Still, a few things have happened in that time, materials started appearing on site such as doorframes, window frames, etc. The notable absence though was bricks. Can't build a double brick home without bricks. 

Happily, I can report that on Tuesday the 13th of September, bricks started getting delivered to site. All up, I counted 98 pallets of bricks scattered all over our block and slab. Most of the home will be made with the red bricks you can see in the picture. The outside walls will be rendered and the inside covered in gyrock so you won't see them. The white bricks will be used to make the garage. The external wall to our Western side,which sits pretty much on the property boundary will not be rendered so you will see them. They will also be visible inside our garage as we wont' be gyprocking the inside of the garage.

With the bricks cames other supplies, such as the in-wall insulation, various beams and pelmets, other bits of metal work and miscellaneous supplies. Today, Friday the 16th, a big pile of yellow brickie's sand was delivered. Cement is still missing as I type this but I'm sure it'll follow soon enough. I'm taking the delivery of the bricks as a great sign that things should get underway in the next month or so, so fingers crossed my next update will be to report back that the brick work is underway! 

Another great step forward! Can't wait to be able to start walking our ground floor!

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Heading toward PCI

Wow, it's been over a month since my last update but this time that's not due to a lack of activity at the build, I've just not ...