Wednesday 13 July 2022

Ground floor slab

Today was a major milestone day for our new home - the pouring of the ground floor slab. Unfortunately I missed being there for the first few loads (I am meant to be working) so when I arrived on site, the back half of the ground floor slab had already been poured and mostly smoothed already as you can see if the pic on the left. Based on my observations for subsequent coverage, I estimate this to be approximately three cement mixers worth of concrete.

As there were no cement mixers there when I arrived, I found the team having a quick break.

We didn't have to wait long for the next mixer to show up  and the team quickly went back to work  to finish the slab pour. All up I watched a further three cement mixers worth of cement poured, to bring the ground floor slab count to six, in addition to whatever was used yesterday to make the foundations. Was interesting to see them out there with the laser level to check heights to ensure it was all at the right level (no idea what they would do if it wasn't!). 

It was a perfect day for the slab pour, lovely and sunny but not too hot. By lunchtime they were all done and had even already started removing the wooden frames. Picture of site at lunch on right.

Ground floor slab marks the first major step in our construction contract so no doubt we can expect our first major bill by close of business today. Can't wait to have a walk around it and really get a sense for where all the rooms are going to go. We don't know when brick work will start at this point but were told it probably won't be for around 10 weeks.

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