Sunday 6 February 2022

Planning for Demo

With selections out of the way, we were told we need to start to think about booking in demolition. Given we are keeping our existing pool, there' s a few things to consider. We are planning on keeping the pool shell but the rest of it will get a birthday as part of the process. Also, the pool is very close to where the alfresco is being built so we need to make it a working platform.

So as well as organising a demolition contractor for the house, we also need to contract a specialised pool renovator to decommission the pool and equipment, demolish the existing pool apron and also reach out to a scaffolding company to put scaffolding over the pool. We also have to organise our own disconnection of the NBN and also to move the telecommunications pit that sits dead in the middle of where our new driveway is going to go. Not to mention co-ordinating the timing of all these things. 

So this week we've been reaching out to house demolition companies, pool renovation companies and scaffolding comparies. The demo companies have all been really responsive, the pool companies you cannot get hold of for all the tea in China and if you do somehow manage to, some are booked as far out as January 2023!! The scaffold companies are also a bit hit and miss. Our plan of attack is to get the pool decommissioned and apron demolished prior to the house. However, we can't live in the hosue without the pool fence, which will get ripped out when they destroy the apron so i need to get the scaffolding in between pool and house. We also don't know quite when all of this is going to happen. We also don't yet have finance, so we've also had to kick things off with the bank.

Whilst doing all that, we also got thinking about landscaping. There might be things that we need to plan for now so that we can provision prior to the house getting built, like piping to take the reticulation from the front to the back of the house, so no we're also getting quotes for landscape designers. Talk about trying to juggle a tonne of service providers without a timeline! 

I am happy to report though that we did have some wins. We're going to get Preferred Demolition to do our house demo and we're going to get Blue Star Pools to do our pool renovation works. We think we've got a landscaping shortlist and just need to solve the scaffolding problem now. Timing wise, we're looking at the end of March to kick things off with the pool and early to mid April for the main house demo. We essentially planning to be moving out around April 2, 2022! Only two months from now, exciting!

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