Friday 8 September 2023

Roof framing

On Friday 1 September it was all action at our block with the arrival of our roof carpenter together with a crane. The crane spent a few hours lifting all the roof materials up into the upper floor and onto the scaffolding and the boys wasted no time cracking in. By the end of the day, we had the start of all the flat beams that the ceiling will attach to. We could also see where the raised ceiling recess will be for our master bedroom.

Unfortunately, winter wasn't quite done with Perth and we lost the next  Monday and Tuesday to bad weather with no one on site. Wednesday the boys were back and by the end of the day, we had the start of our roof pitch. Another two solid days work on Thursday and Friday and by late Friday afternoon, the main roof structure was complete, flashing has been attached and they'd even started putting in the eaves material for the boxed eaves.

Speaking with the tradies, they thought they had a day or two ahead of them still so hopefully the weather stays good and we see them first up next week. 

Update 12/9: Cruising past the block late Monday it appears that the framing part of the roof construction has been completed. The wooden framing looks done to my untrained eye, the flashing is on and the eaves have been sheeted. Speaking with the Stannard team over the weekend, I understand they need the flashing on before they can measure up and order the colorbond roof cover so we won't see that for a couple of weeks I'd suggest. In the meantime, we are expecting to hear from the electrician to conduct our upper floor walkthrough to confirm all our electrical provisions. They'll then come and put that in. We should also see the plumbers on site to do all the pipework for the upper floor wet areas. At some point, the air con ducting also goes in but I'm not sure if that's before or after roof cover. Guess we'll see.

Heading toward PCI

Wow, it's been over a month since my last update but this time that's not due to a lack of activity at the build, I've just not ...